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A professional HVAC technician inspecting and maintaining a heating or cooling system in a residential home

Why Are HVAC Maintenance Plans Important?

Investing in HVAC maintenance might seem like just an extra expense, but it’s worth it in the long run. When you commit to regular maintenance on your heating and cooling system, you help ensure that any minor problems or inefficiencies will be caught early rather than growing into major complications! Even when there are no visible issues, expert calibrations by HVAC specialists can help your system run more efficiently, which has many benefits.

It’s important to note that maintenance isn’t a one and done deal; just like a vehicle, or other major appliance, it needs consistent care to ensure optimal performance. With a maintenance plan, you can be sure that your system is always taken care of and that your needs are being met by a certified professional. Keep reading to learn more about why maintenance plans are important!

The Benefits of HVAC Maintenance

You hear all the time that regular maintenance is good for your HVAC system, but do you know why? Some of the benefits of HVAC maintenance include:

  • Lower utility bills: When a professional HVAC technician expertly calibrates your heating and cooling system, it will operate more efficiently, using less energy and costing you less money in the long run.
  • Longer life for your HVAC unit: Just like anything else, a well-cared for HVAC system will last longer than one that’s left to slowly deteriorate.
  • Fewer costly repairs & replacements: Because a technician is more likely to notice minor issues when they first appear, adjustments can be made to solve the problem before it really starts. The average homeowner is more likely to notice something’s wrong when the issue has already intensified.
  • Better air quality: Maintenance visits typically involve cleaning your HVAC system and replacing air filters, so you’ll notice that your air is cleaner after you’ve had maintenance performed! Because your air will be cleaner, you’ll also notice less dust on your furniture and surfaces.
  • Discounts and priority service: At John Nugent & Sons, our maintenance plan gives you priority emergency service, discounts on repairs, a reduced diagnostic fee, and some coverage for HVAC accessories such as humidifiers, air cleaners, programmable thermostats, and more!

HVAC Maintenance Agreements with John Nugent & Sons

You can feel safe and secure entering into an HVAC service contract with John Nugent & Sons. We’ve been family owned and operated since 1975. We pride ourselves on providing high-quality service to our customers in the Northern VA area. We do what we say, and we say what we do.

Contact us online or give us a call at 703-291-1926 to learn more about how you can save when you sign up for a maintenance plan!

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