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Will Ceiling Fans Lower My Energy Bill?

In the dead of a Northern Virginia summer, we’re always looking for ways to offset the high costs of air conditioning in our homes. Even the most energy-efficient systems can be a real bother, putting a strain on finances and overall being just a little more stressful than we bargained for.

But there are actually a lot of interesting solutions out there! These can range from helpful to a little goofy, for sure, but over the years a few “tried and true” options have taken the lead. Out of all of them, the most common has to be ceiling fans. But will these actually save you money or is the cost of operating them just sort of evening things out? Answers to this and more, coming up by way of the HVAC experts at John Nugent & Sons!

How Do Fans Make Us Feel Cooler?

As you probably know, a fan doesn’t literally generate cool air. A room with a ceiling fan and two box fans is no cooler temperature-wise than any other room in your home. But what a fan does do is reduce your core temperature. As we sweat, the moisture our bodies create rapidly evaporates, pulling heat away from the body as it does so. Fans aid in this, generating air that will help our bodies rid themselves of nasty heat.

So does a fan make you feel cooler? Absolutely. The ones that do the best job here, although you might feel it a little less noticeably, are ceiling fans. By consistently circulating the air in a room, the right ceiling fan can drop the perceived temperature of a room by many degrees. Up to ten, actually!

So Do Fans Save on Energy Costs?

Within reason, they should. Basically what we mean is if the fans enable you to drop air conditioner usage, then they are worth the cost of operation. Yes, even if you only turn the AC from 71 to 72 degrees! A single degree doesn’t seem like a lot to you, but to your AC that difference represents a fair bit of cash to operate. In fact, each degree of air conditioner use represents roughly a 6-10% increase in power usage for your system. A fan, on the other hand, uses a pretty negligible amount of power.

In fact, your average ceiling fan operates off of a fraction of the power of standing fans; between 25-75 watts. That’s less than some of your light bulbs! So yes, if used properly, and assuming they provide enough comfort for your needs, ceiling fans can ease your cooling burden this summer season to be sure. And for a real difference, you might look into a new attic fan installation.

Ceiling Fan Installation in Northern Virginia

John Nugent & Sons has been family owned and operated since 1975. We pride ourselves on providing the high quality of service and very personal touch that only a family company can offer. When you work with John Nugent & Sons, your family is part of our family—and we want to help you minimize costs and maximize efficiency this summer!

Give us a call today to schedule an appointment for ceiling fan installation in Northern Virginia, 703-291-1926!

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