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A professional HVAC technician inspecting and maintaining a heating or cooling system in a residential home

Save Money by Keeping Your Furnace Filter Clean

Many homeowners have a common goal—save as much money as possible on their utilities bills! We understand that no one wants to use their hard earned money on bills. But there are some ways you can maximize your home’s HVAC efficiency AND minimize the costs. Maybe our cost saving advice will even let you save enough to take your family on that vacation you’ve been dreaming of! Let’s find out.

For furnace installation, maintenance, or repair in the Northern Virginia area—call the heating experts at John Nugent & Sons!

3 Reasons to Change Your Furnace Filters Regularly

ENERGY STAR© recommends changing your HVAC system’s air filter monthly—and we couldn’t agree more! Regularly changing your furnace filter will help:

  • Extend the life of your furnace. One of the most common reasons for a furnace breakdown is a dirty air filter. Regular furnace maintenance ensures that your heating system is operating at maximum efficiency. If you let your air filter collect dirt, it makes it extremely difficult for air to pass through—which can cause the system to overheat and malfunction! Making your furnace exert unnecessary energy is hurting both your furnace and your wallet. Frequently changing your air filter is a simple way to lengthen the life of your heating system!
  • Reduce energy costs. Like we mentioned above, if your air filter is clogged, you’re making your furnace exert more energy than it needs to. And the more energy it uses, the higher your heating bills are going to be! According to the Department of Energy, the average household spends about $2,200 a year on its energy bills. However, you can reduce those costs from 5 to 15 percent simply by changing your furnace filter on a regular basis!
  • Preserve your home’s air quality. To ensure your family stays healthy throughout the winter, you should change your furnace filters! If your filters go unchanged, the air circulating your home is filled with germs, dust, and dander. Is that something you want your family to be breathing in? Not to mention pet dander! If you have a family pet, changing your furnace filter is a must if you want to reduce the allergens being passing through your home!

Save Money by Changing Your Furnace Filter in Northern Virginia

If your furnace is still underperforming once you’ve changed the filter, it might be time for a furnace repair for tune-up! At John Nugent & Sons, we want to help you and your family to stay warm and toasty this winter without having to spend any more than you have to on heating! We’re heating experts and have been helping Northern Virginia area homeowners like you for more than 40 years.

To learn more about keeping your heating system well maintained and to schedule an appointment, call us at 703-291-1926.


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