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A professional HVAC technician inspecting and maintaining a heating or cooling system in a residential home

Attic Fan Installation in McLean, VA

Since 1975, the experts at John Nugent & Sons have been providing quality electrical services throughout Northern Virginia, including attic fan installation in McLean, VA. If you’re looking for a great way to keep your home more comfortable while reducing your energy bills throughout the year, call John Nugent & Sons today!

If you want to install an attic fan in McLean, VA, call John Nugent & Sons today at 703-291-1926 FREE or click here to contact us online!

Benefits of Attic Fan Installation in McLean, VA

Attic fans are installed below your roof and are designed to pull hot air out of the attic and move it out of your home. This lightens the load on your air conditioner and provides a number of other benefits, including:

More comfortable home temperatures – since your roof takes a direct beating from the sun every day, it’s easy for your attic to heat up much hotter than you might expect-temperatures of 150 F or more are common, even on days when it’s only 80 F outside. Vents can provide some passive air exhaust, but for best results, you should install an attic fan.

On the hottest days, an attic fan can lower the temperature in your attic by up to 50 F, which translates into a 10 F reduction in your living area temperatures!

Extended roof life – one of the biggest problems faced by roofs is moisture, which can come from sources like showering and cooking as well as from outdoor humidity, particularly when your AC isn’t working properly. Moist air will rise into the attic, where it will sit and eventually create mold in the insulation and wood structures of the attic. During the winter, this moisture can turn into ice or frost, causing even more problems.

Attic fans move moisture out of the attic before it has time to settle and do any damage.

Reduced air conditioning costs – attic fans reduce the indoor temperature in your home, meaning your air conditioner won’t have to work as hard to keep things cool indoors. A 10-degree drop in temperature, commonly seen with attic fans, can reduce your cooling costs by as much as 30 percent!

For attic fan installation in McLean, VA, call John Nugent & Sons today at 703-291-1926 FREE or click here to contact us online!

Why call John Nugent & Sons for electrician services?

John Nugent & Sons has been family owned and operated since 1975. We pride ourselves on providing the high quality of service and very personal touch that only a family company can offer. It is our belief that each and every customer deserves to be treated with the same respect and honesty as a member of our family. Our top-ranked customer service and superior quality of work can be attributed to this belief. In 1975 we started small, but over the years, more and more people have accepted our offer to join the family. While we’ve grown to meet the expanding needs of these customers, we’re always careful not to jeopardize the value and quality of service that have been our trademarks since the beginning. Our commitment to excellence is what got us this far and we plan on honoring this commitment long into the future.

Each employee of John Nugent & Sons is empowered with this same commitment. It is what drives our search for more and better ways to serve our customers in the most effective way possible while offering the highest quality products possible. We are also committed to educating our employees so that every technician that enters your home is the most qualified technician available. We evaluate our programs regularly to ensure that our employees remain current on changing technology. It is our sincere desire to enhance our services and improve our performance for your benefit.

John Nugent & Sons is licensed, bonded, and insured.

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