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A professional HVAC technician inspecting and maintaining a heating or cooling system in a residential home

Indoor Air Quality in Centreville, Reston & McLean, VA

IAQ Solutions for Northern Virginia Homeowners

The air quality in your Northern Virginia home is of major importance. With the common allergens and high pollen counts we deal with in our area, homeowners can be plagued with thick, uncomfortable air in the home. This is why the experts at John Nugent & Sons put such an emphasis on our air quality solutions!

John Nugent & Sons is wholly dedicated to providing homeowners with the best solutions and services we possibly can. The air quality of your home directly impacts not only your comfort but the efficiency of your heating and cooling systems, and we offer industry-leading air quality care products to meet your needs.

Looking for indoor air quality solutions in Northern Virginia? Contact John Nugent & Sons today!

Air Purifiers

Air purification devices remove contaminants from the air in your home, reducing dust, pollen, mold, cigarette smoke, and other irritants. Available solutions include heat sterilization, UV radiation, and core filtration systems.

Air Scrubbers

An air scrubber is an advanced air purification system designed to reduce odors, visible smoke, and microbial populations on surfaces. Installing an air scrubber is an effective way to purify the air in your home.

Whole-Home Humidifiers

Dry, stale air creates discomfort for some people. A whole-home humidifier works in tandem with your existing HVAC system to introduce healthy humidity into your home. Most whole-home humidifiers are installed directly within the ductwork to provide enhanced comfort in every room.

Why Is Indoor Air Quality So Important?

The air inside your home or commercial business is pretty much the same as outside air. Pollen, dust, dirt, and mold spore saturate the air and can complicate allergies and create respiratory issues when left alone too long. There is, however, one major difference between indoor and outdoor air. The contaminants in indoor air are many times more concentrated!

This means that for each unit of air in your home, there can be up to 100 times more dust per part than what is in outside air. For those who have allergy issues or trouble breathing, the difference can be staggering! And leaving mold spores, commonly found in the air, alone can lead to mold colonies in your home, damaging your structure and necessitating costly home repairs.

Humidity is also a major factor of comfort in your home. Air that is too humid is thick, hard to breathe, and drastically increases the workload on your HVAC system, increasing your heating and cooling costs substantially. Too little humidity is a problem, too, though, as it can leave your skin dry and cracking, and damage wood surfaces and paint in your home.

dehumidifier next to sofa in living room

Contact John Nugent & Sons for Air Quality Solutions in Northern Virginia

At John Nugent & Sons, our NATE-certified HVAC professionals have all of the skill, knowledge, and superior products needed to help you improve the air quality in your home.

Contact the experts at John Nugent & Sons today to learn more or to set an appointment with our certified and licensed air quality team!

Call Us at ​703.291.1926703.291.1926

Suggested Reading:

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the benefits of having an attic fan during winter?

Having an attic fan running during winter helps balance the natural flow of outdoor air so that the attic will have a colder, equalized temperature that reduces the chance of ice damming.

Otherwise, snow that melts from a hot attic can refreeze in the gutters, damaging your roof with the potential for more costly problems.

Do I need to manually turn my attic fan on and off?

Generally, attic fans should automatically run. This is due to an accompanying adjustable thermostat that can be set to specific temperatures that dictate when the attic fan turns on and off.

There are also humidistats available that control your attic fan based on humidity readings. Allowing your attic fan to run continuously is not a problem because operating an attic fan takes far less power than an AC unit.

How does an attic fan work?

Attic fans help circulate the airflow by pushing the hot air outside. By forcing air out of your attic through your roof’s ventilation soffit vents, hot, stagnant air exits through your attached dormers. This process is vital because the overall temperature of your attic dramatically affects the temperature of your entire home.

Hot air rises, and if it remains unmoving in your attic, this heat formation will continuously heat your home and cause your AC to work harder during the warmer months and create damaging re-freeze during the colder temperatures.

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