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A professional HVAC technician inspecting and maintaining a heating or cooling system in a residential home

Heat Pump Blowing Cold Air: Is This a Heat Pump Problem?

If you use a heat pump in Virginia, after a while you may have the same concern we’ve heard among some of our customers in Arlington, Centreville and Reston — your heat pump seems to be blowing cold air. This doesn’t occur too often in the Northern Virginia area, but if it does, it doesn’t mean your heat pump is damaged or that you have a heat pump problem on your hands! Unlike gas furnaces, heat pumps don’t rely on occasional blasts of very hot air to heat your Virginia home. Instead, they provide a steady, consistent stream of air heated to just the right temperature to keep you and your family warm all day long — and all winter long.

So, it is true that heat pumps blow cooler air than a gas furnace. However, this is exactly what helps maintain a constant, comfortable temperature throughout your home during the winter months that’s better tolerated by people, pets and plants.

If your heat pump really does seem to be blowing cold air, don’t worry just yet — you still may not be looking at a heat pump problem. Once every hour or so, the defroster kicks on, which causes your heat pump to blow cool air into your home for short periods of time. Take a look at your heat pump — if it’s running but the fan isn’t blowing, it’s defrosting. When the frost thermostat is satisfied or a set amount of time passes, the outdoor fan comes back on, and the heat pump reverts back into the heating cycle.

If you think you do have a more serious heat pump problem on your hands, don’t try to fix the problem yourself. Since heat pumps contain hazardous material, you can cause a chemical leak or injury yourself by attempting to fix a serious heat pump problem. Instead, call John Nugent & Sons for Virginia heat pump repair.

Our reliable, expert technicians have been serving the Northern Virginia community for over 35 years. The can help you solve any type of heat pump problem you may have.

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