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Our Blog : General HVAC

Should I Clean My Air Ducts?

If you have a forced-air heating or cooling system in your Northern Virginia home, the condition of your ductwork should be a concern for you. Every time you activate your system, it draws in a mix of airborne particles like dust, pollen, pet dander, and other contaminants. These pollutants build…

How To Prevent Straining Your HVAC System This Summer

Our reliance on air conditioning systems increases as the temperature rises during the summer months. However, it’s important to remember that HVAC systems can experience strain and inefficiency if not properly maintained. We’ve compiled a list of tips, tricks, and preventive measures to help you keep your HVAC system running…

10 Tips to Prepare Your HVAC System for Winter

When winter begins to arrive, it’s important to make sure your HVAC system is prepared to avoid any unwanted surprises (like being left in a cold, uncomfortable home). It’s essential to be proactive about maintaining your HVAC equipment in order to keep it in good condition and prevent breakdowns. In…

What to Do When My HVAC Is Flooded?

There has been a lot of rain this summer in Northern Virginia, and we all hate it! With huge amounts of rain and flooding happening, John Nugent & Sons has gotten a lot of questions about AC units and what to do when the water is high and getting too…

DIY HVAC, Plumbing & Electrical Quick Fixes

While our team at John Nugent & Sons is ready to solve any problem you may have with your HVAC, electrical, or plumbing systems, there are some things you can handle on your own if you’re interested in saving some money. Here are some tips and tricks for DIY, easy…

Is Your Home Prepared for Winter Storms?

While some winters can be fairly mild, others can surprise you and bring with them strong storms. Before the cold weather officially arrives, make sure your home can withstand the added stress of Mother Nature! Be sure to take the precautionary steps necessary to keep your family warm and safe….

Fall Home Maintenance Checklist

As the summer sun fades and the crisp autumn air takes over, it’s time to prepare your home for the colder months ahead. We’ve curated an all-encompassing fall home maintenance checklist. This guide covers everything from HVAC and plumbing to electrical systems and indoor air quality, ensuring your home is…

Why Are HVAC Maintenance Plans Important?

Investing in HVAC maintenance might seem like just an extra expense, but it’s worth it in the long run. When you commit to regular maintenance on your heating and cooling system, you help ensure that any minor problems or inefficiencies will be caught early rather than growing into major complications!…

The Best HVAC Company in Northern VA

At John Nugent & Sons, we have one goal: providing McLean and the rest of Northern Virginia with the best home comfort solutions. And since 1975, we’ve been doing just that. When it comes to heating and cooling your Northern Virginia home, you want the best—and that’s what we strive…

The Benefits of Choosing Carrier HVAC Products

There are few people who don’t know the Carrier name when it comes to heating, cooling, and other home comfort products. The Carrier name carries with it a reputation of quality, reliability, durability, and value because they make only the highest-quality HVAC products, including air conditioners, furnaces, air cleaners, and…

Fall HVAC Maintenance Checklist

When fall finally comes around, the collective sigh of relief here in Northern Virginia seems like it can be heard state-wide. But fall is quite short and winter will be knocking on the door soon after! Is your furnace system ready to take on everything the rest of the year…

HVAC Maintenance & Spring Allergies

Springtime is a welcome relief from the harsh conditions of winter, but for those who suffer from spring allergies, it can lead to sneezing, wheezing, and misery. If you expect to find relief from allergy symptoms by staying at home, think again. Studies have shown the average home may contain…

Comfort Solutions for Larger Homes

In Northern Virginia, homes can range from small condos to large million dollar homes. The size of your home is directly correlated to how much you spend each month trying to heat or cool it. Whether you are in the large family home or an old, historic house, you know…

Why You Need a Skilled Technician for Repairing an HVAC System

The importance of hiring a skilled Northern VA HVAC technician for repairing the heating and cooling system in your home can hardly be overstated. You need to make sure that any service—be it AC installation, repair, or replacement—is completed by someone who has received the necessary training to figure out…

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